Does Perl has a code hider

jesse jesse at
Wed Sep 16 18:41:14 BST 2009

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:52:18PM +0530, abhishek jain wrote:
> Hi,
> Do perl have a kind of code encoder which hides the readable Perl code by
> encoding like we have in PHP.
> I am working on a project and i dont want to give the editing / viewing
> rights to the user, also a right to expire the code after some time interval
> .
> How can i protect the code,
> Possible?
> What would you advice for the options to me.


There are a number of ways to do what you ask. And none of them will do
what you want.
is just one of several tools your end users will be able to use to see
your source code.  If you have proprietary secrets, don't put them into
code you distribute to end users. 

> -- 
> Thanks ,
> Abhi


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