Anyone hiring at the moment?

Sue Spence sue at
Thu Sep 24 11:52:39 BST 2009

2009/9/24 Nicholas Clark <nick at>

> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:14:01AM +0100, James Coupe wrote:
> > 2009/9/24 James Laver <james.laver at>:
> > > And A1 Steak Sauce is only made in Vauxhall and only consumed in the
> USA,
> > > much to the chagrin of all my american friends living in London.
> >
> > -> USA Foods -> Pickles
> Oh, wonderful. Compare that with
> Frames are bad, m'kay. Deep linking is your friend, and drives "natural"
> traffic.
> Basic S.E.O. is not rocket science. (As isn't site speed optimisation)
> Yet most of the world *still* doesn't seem to get it, 10 years on.

Damn, you tempted me to click on a link inside the site.  They say it is for
'foodies' (not even going to worry about the gulf in definition of that word
between how i'd define it and how they obviously do), but they are selling
the most garden variety foods possible. Predictable, but funny anyway..

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