Playing up the <region>ness

Sue Spence sue at
Fri Sep 25 08:51:40 BST 2009

2009/9/25 Piers Cawley <pdcawley-london.0dd185 at>

> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Ovid <publiustemp-londonpm at>
> wrote:
> > --- On Thu, 24/9/09, James Laver <james.laver at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Oddly, one of my friends is from there.  He has hair well past his
> shoulders, always wears Iron Maiden t-shirts, has an Iron Maiden tattoo
> running down one arm and drinks like a fish.  He has an accent so thick (I'm
> told it's even thicker than other s****s), that even his British friends
> have trouble understanding him.

Whilst I think the nickname above is funny, it also makes me feel I need a
litre of  brain bleach and a power saw.

> Y'see, when I met him, I didn't think his accent was particularly
> incomprehensible. Possibly playing up the yorkshireness a little, but
> nothing too bad
Your last sentence pleases me greatly.  Living where I do ( North Riding), I
shall have to restrain myself from ever uttering anything even remotely
similar to it.   Not because I think it's true either.

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