Algorithm::Evolutionary (journal article)

Ian Knopke ian.knopke at
Mon Oct 5 12:32:00 BST 2009

Hmm, that's neat! And you're correct, I can't get at it online. I've
previously played with the module a bit, but not extensively. Also, I
too am in the process of adjusting to Moose. But we can talk about all
that tonight.

BTW, where shall we meet today? I live near Manor House, north on the
Picadilly line, so it isn't too much trouble for me to get close to


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Bob MacCallum <uncoolbob at> wrote:
> Just saw this on the GP list...
> Algorithm::Evolutionary, a flexible Perl module for evolutionary computation
> Journal: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and
> Applications
> Abstract: This paper describes Algorithm::Evolutionary (  A::E  ), a
> Perl module released under an open source license and designed for the
> exploration and exploitation of evolutionary algorithms. We describe
> the design decisions taken to enhance flexibility, how performance was
> improved by using several implementation tweaks, and what kind of
> design patterns were applied for its development. This work also tries
> to dispel the myth of low performance of scripting languages by
> comparing it with a state-of-the-art library (ECJ) written in Java.
> Besides, we are interested in assessing its efficiency in several
> possible evolutionary settings, finding out what kind of behavior we
> can expect, and what can be done to improve it. Applications already
> written using  A::E   are also described, along with how it can be
> used to create new operators. Finally, some conclusions are drawn from
> the design experience.
> Keywords  Evolutionary algorithms - Evolutionary computation - Perl -
> CPAN - Frameworks - Design patterns
> Let me know if you have problems with the closed access content!  I
> might, *cough*, be able to help.
> One day when I CPANify PerlGP, I will take a look at
> Algorithm::Evolutionary and try to use its base classes (although I
> wanted to use Moose, so maybe not).
> cheers,
> Bob.
> --
> - survival of the funkiest

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