Sending $US to the US

Mark Fowler mark at
Sun Oct 11 02:03:58 BST 2009

  On 10 Oct 2009, at 19:32, Joel Bernstein <joel at> wrote:

> On 11 Oct 2009, at 00:25, Minty wrote:
>>> Anyone happen to know a less expensive way to send, via mail, US  
>>> dollars to the US, short of sending cash?
>> (Amex) Travellers cheques in dollar denominations?
> Wouldn't he have to travel with them, in order to counter-sign the  
> cheque in the recipient's presence? They're worthless otherwise.

How about a money order? For a fee moneygram will let you send one  
from their website with a uk debit card. You'll get a secret number  
that you can mail to them in the post and then they can got to thier  
nearest moneygram outlet with it and claim the cash

Unsure if the fees are any cheaper however, and bear in mind what I'm  
suggesting really is no more or less secure than sending actual  
dollars in an envelope.


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