Weekend entertainment

Jonas Brømsø Nielsen jonasbn at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 15:19:53 GMT 2009


Most cultures/countries have a redneck equivalent, so it is not totally wasted on us non-us... anyway. I say if we have offended anybody, we remove the offending distribution. It is in the acme namespace, so it will not create a lot of fuss removing it.

The author has the choice and freedom of distributing via other channels, but we as a community might have to be more democratic about it, so I say it goes. As for the apology, I think we could just get by with a friendly and polite email, informing the offended person of our actions.

Going into a deeper analysis of the nature of humor and cultural differences is a waste of time, CPAN is an international resource and therefore we should act accordingly. The Acme namespace is still open and welcoming to all the crazy experiments, but we have to play nice at the same time.


On 15/11/2009, at 18.45, David Golden wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Jerry D. Hedden <jdhedden at cpan.org> wrote:
>> Consider Jeff Foxworthy making fun of rednecks.  How is that different?
> (Apologies if "redneck" jokes are too obscure for the non-Americans
> reading this thread.)
> Jeff Foxworthy is a comedian.  (Damn good one, too!)  But his comedic
> persona is that of a redneck, so his comedy is less offensive because
> he is poking fun at himself.  And his redneck jokes are defined by
> behaviors and circumstance, not geography or innate characteristics of
> people.
> E.g. from his site today:  "You might be a redneck if your Christmas
> ornaments are made out of spent shot-gun shells."
> (And maybe I'm guilty of stereotyping, but I suspect that Jörg Walter
> is not a Nigerian spammer.)
>> As the module doesn't border on a hate crime, I see not reason to even
>> suggest that the author consider a voluntary withdrawal.
> I meant only that I would hope the author's attitude would be "oops,
> sorry, I was trying to be funny and didn't mean to offend anyone"
> which I think is just a decent way to treat other human beings.
>> Again, a few people that can't take a joke.  You can't please all the
>> people all the time.
> So true.
> -- David

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