Dear LazyWeb - FreeBSD makefiles

Simon Dick simond at
Thu Nov 19 09:58:03 GMT 2009

2009/11/19 Simon Wistow <simon at>:
> I have a Makefile (actually a from autoconf but that's
> not important, I think( and it has the rule
> %.1:
>    -rm -f $@
>    pod2man --center="TimeSpliceDB Documentation" --lax \
>        --release='$(VERSION)' $(@).pod > $@
> Which takes everything of the form <name>.1.pod and truns it into a man
> page.
> Which works fine and lovely on my available Mac and Linux boxen but
> fails dismally on my FreeBSD box.
> How does one do wildcard Make fules in bsdmake? Please tell me I don't
> have to add 20 nearly identical rules because that will make me cry.

The slightly cheating way (which lots of ports understandably use) is
to install the gmake port and use that instead...

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