Help me become a Londoner!

Mark Keating m.keating at
Tue Nov 24 15:09:28 GMT 2009

Peter Corlett wrote:
> On 24 Nov 2009, at 14:29, Luis Motta Campos wrote:
> [...]
>> Of course, my opinion might be slightly biased by the fact that most 
>> of my life I've used public transport in third world countries, 
>> where, I can assure you, everybody prefers to have a car and handle 
>> the maintenance burden and the parking hassle than to rely on public 
>> transport...
> That's pretty much what Britain's public transport is like outside of 
> London.
Nope that's just because you came from Yorkshire which is the third world.

Mark Keating BA (Hons)          |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director               |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary              |  Enlightened Perl Organisation
co-Leader                       |  North West England Perl Mongers      |  |

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