xmas xword solution and winner

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Mon Jan 4 12:58:39 GMT 2010

2010/1/4 Smylers <Smylers at>:
> Aaron Trevena writes:
>> We have a winner for the cryptic crossword!  Congratulation to
>> Smylers, who managed to get a 100% correct solution :
> Wow, thanks!  Though actually I didn't provide an answer for 2d, so
> possibly I only drew with anybody else who was missing just one?

umm.. 100 people (ish) downloaded the PDF - I checked the web logs, I
only got one entry in response :(

Fortunately it was a damned good one and made my morning.

At this point I think I can clearly state that I'm not cut out for
compiling crosswords and propose that Smylers writes next years :)


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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