SHA question

Matt Lawrence matt.lawrence at
Thu Jan 14 16:45:54 GMT 2010

Matthew Boyle wrote:
> David Cantrell wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 02:02:51PM +0100, Philip Newton wrote:
>>> That reminds me of how I was disappointed to find that rsync generally
>>> transfers complete files (rather than diffs) if both source and
>>> destination are on a local file system -- before I realised that to
>>> compute the diffs, it would have to read the entire first and second
>>> files, and if it's going to read the entire first file from disk
>>> anyway, it can simply dump it over the second file without checking.
>>> Computing diffs would be more work in this case, not less.
>> Shame that "local" includes "at the other end of a really slow NFS
>> connection to the other side of the world". Mind you, absent running the
>> rsync daemon at the other end and using that instead of NFS, I'm not
>> sure if there's a better way of doing it.
> the --no-whole-file option?  or am i missing something?
This is of course what I was referring to when I mentioned the 
diametrically opposite option. *sigh*


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