Looking for speakers

Solli Honorio shonorio at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 14:14:28 GMT 2010

Léon, How can I submit to talk ?


2010/3/5 Léon Brocard <acme at astray.com>

> Hi there,
> I'm looking for speakers for a few 10-20 minute talks for the tech
> meet on 18th March 2010 on the subject "new". Something new you've
> done or learnt about recently. If you're stuck for ideas, want to talk
> Plack, Redis, cpanminus or a module you've just discovered? Please
> email me offlist.
> Full announcement soon, but you can sign up now on:
> http://londonpmtech.appspot.com/
> Cheers, Leon

"o animal satisfeito dorme". - Guimarães Rosa

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