Perl and OWASP

Tomas Doran bobtfish at
Sun Mar 28 22:37:30 BST 2010

On 28 Mar 2010, at 16:55, Nicholas Bamber wrote:
> I am puzzled as to why there has hitherto been so little contact  
> between perl and OWASP.

I was at the first OWASP conference in London.

I used to attend their meets regularly, however in recent times  
they've been arranged in either the far west or the far east of  
London, and to start at 6pm. Given I finish work at 6pm, it's just not  
been practical for me to be able to get there.

> Is anybody out there interested in volunteering some of their coding  
> and code reviewing efforts into improving the security of perl based  
> web applications in a more systematic way?

Yes. But then, I put quite a lot of my free time and code reviewing  
efforts into improving perl based web applications in a systematic way  
anyway. :_)

> I have tried kicking things off with this page: 
>  . I look forward to hearing from you guys.

I'd certainly be prepared to volunteer some of my time contributing  
to, or reviewing code for perl based web security efforts, and I'm  
certainly happy to do everything in my power (which isn't very much -  
pretty much yelling 'well volunteered' at people) to get the Catalyst  


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