Functional Grammar is fun (apparently)

Kristian Flint kristian.flint at
Tue Oct 19 14:13:38 BST 2010

Hi everybody,

My gf is doing a degree in linguistics and as part of her dissertation she
wants to do some functional grammar analysis on a cross section of
programming languages. There are a few requirements for choosing a data set
which makes this a little tricky and I¹m just looking for some suggestions
and pointers.

We¹re trying to find some code in different languages which essentially
performs the same task, this led us
to but sadly individual examples need
to be a little longer than most of the ones shown here. This has led us to
consider using a email manager or site search engine as something that might
be written in several different languages but performing essentially the
same task. The other thing I¹d thought of was API libraries. Seeing the
³Sphinx² API in 5 different languages is what got me really thinking about

Any thoughts, experience, suggestions most welcome :)


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