Jobs in London

Dominic Thoreau dominic at
Sat Feb 26 16:31:31 GMT 2011

On 26 February 2011 16:15, marcos rebelo <oleber at> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm considering to move, an London would be a nice place.
> Someone may give a hand to find a Job to a 11 Years (7 years) Perl
> experienced Developer?

The market seems good at the moment. I've been with my current
employer for 5 months now - and the calls from recruiters have started
coming in again, except this time they're trying to find candidates -
and this time they'd quite like to know about anyone I know who's
looking for work.

To be fair though, the companies they're looking for seem pretty much
like the usual suspects...
Nonnullus unus commodo reddo is mihi.

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