Jobs in London

marcos rebelo oleber at
Sat Feb 26 19:58:21 GMT 2011

My problem is to know how to answer to the question:

How much money do you expect to receive?

If I say a value to low, I will be leaving the enterprise in short
time since someone will offer me more.
If I say a value to high, I will lose the position.

I would like to know a +- fare amount.

Best Regards
Marcos Rebelo

On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 19:50, Dominic Thoreau
<dominic at> wrote:
> On 26 February 2011 18:29, marcos rebelo <oleber at> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have already seen Monster.
>> In here I aspect to find some contacts of enterprises with good programmers,
>> I'm curious to know the rates in London:
>>   How much can I aspect to win a year?
>>   I found that the taxes are 40%, but I didn't understood how much
>> shall I pay for the Social Security.
> If you want to calculate actual take home pay from Gross Salary, the
> best site I've found is
> Dominic
> --
> Nonnullus unus commodo reddo is mihi.

Marcos Rebelo
Milan Perl Mongers leader
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