Junior-mid level Perl (Victoria Conlan)

Sue Spence sue at pennine.com
Wed Apr 27 21:58:24 BST 2011

On 27 April 2011 19:54, Dirk Koopman <djk at tobit.co.uk> wrote:
> On 27/04/11 13:00, Sue Spence wrote:
>> On 27 April 2011 12:49, Victoria Conlan<vicky at comps.org>  wrote:
>>>>> I still favour getting the hell out of IT and setting up a tea shop,
>>>>> though.
>>>>> (tea and cakes at my place when I do so!)
>>>> Victoria(n) sponge cakes?
>>> But of course!  I also do a pretty nifty chocolate fudge cake, and a
>>> hugely
>>> calorific sachertorte, plus very nice vegan shortbread.
>>> I am going to get soooo fat.  :-)
>> Vegan shortbread?  WTH.
> The short(ening) agent in Short Bread = fat.

Specifically, it must be butter.  No butter, no shortbread.

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