iPhone programming

Gareth Kirwan gbjk at thermeon.com
Sat May 28 08:31:16 BST 2011

On Sat, 2011-05-28 at 00:12 +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good book on iPhone programming and Objective C?
> Assume that I know *nothing* about Obj C or XCode.

I've found this to be starting from a similar position:

I still hate xcode, but at least I can get it to do what I want.

Two frameworks that work well for different areas of iphone app
PhoneGap - Bridge between web stuff and objective-c which can control
hardware or interact with the O/S better
Also handles packaging a web app for distribution

Sencha Touch - Web interface toolkit for writing iphone apps. Can be
very scripty; No HTML involved at all really.
It's MVC, too, which is good.

It's also free.

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