Cool/useful short examples of Perl?

B Maqueira bmi at
Mon May 30 12:14:30 BST 2011

Hi Leo,

I have an example on my blog of a script to build sitemaps using TT &
Mechanize ( Feel free to
use it if it suits your purpose...



> Hi,
> I'm working on and I'd like to have a few rotating
> example of what can be done with Perl on the home page.
> The first two I've thought of are below, does anyone have others?
> They don't have to use CPAN modules, one liners are fine as long as it
> is simple to see what they do. I'll have a 'more' link which goes on to
> show full example with line by line explanations.
> Module preference is anything from
> E.g.:
> This is probably max sort of size...
>   # Send an email
>   use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
>   use Email::Simple;
>   use Email::Simple::Creator;
>   my $email = Email::Simple->create(
>     header => [
>       To      => '"Xavier Q. Ample" <x.ample at>',
>       From    => '"Bob Fishman" <orz at>',
>       Subject => "don't forget to *enjoy the sauce*",
>     ],
>     body => "This message is short, but at least it's cheap.\n",
>   );
>   sendmail($email);
> or
>   # Serve static files from document root with a directory index
>   # app.psgi
>   use Plack::App::Directory;
>   my $app = Plack::App::Directory->new({ root => "/path/to/htdocs"
> })->to_app;
>   > plackup
>   > Accepting connections at http://0:5000/
> Thanks in advance!
> Leo

 Dr Braudel Maqueira-Iglesias
 Senior Software Engineer
 CSR Plc
 t: +44 (0)790 2664862
 e: braudel at

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