Heretics Meeting with a Shadowcat guest(s) appearance

Mark Keating m.keating at
Sun Aug 7 02:14:52 BST 2011

If I understand the metrics correctly the 1st September is a heretics 
meeting for, which is auspicious if true for Matt S. Trout 
(mst) and Mark Keating (mdk) will be staying at the Strand in London on 
that night and will wander to this meeting. There is also the slim 
chance we may persuade Greg to wander with us which Dave Cross may begin 
laughing about now (it was Greg's idea we come on a social 
night and then suggested start of September, history students will enjoy 
the joke).

Can someone confirm location, and do we count as a special 
social case as well/instead of?


Mark Keating BA (Hons), Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder.
Managing Director:
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