More free stuff at the ORTHODOX social

Raphael Mankin raph at
Mon Aug 22 09:53:31 BST 2011

On Sun, 2011-08-21 at 16:31 +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> I've got a load of books to get rid of, including a bunch of perly
> books.
> There's a list here:
> Let me know what you want and I'll bring them to the pub.

I am interested in some PTerrys to fill out my collection:

Reaper Man
Night Watch
Equal Rites
Moving Pictures
Wyrd Sister

And just to be a proper geek:

Cisco TCP/IP Routing Professional Reference

It would be more convenient for me to pick them up in the City, if that
suits you. I start work again after the Bank Holiday, having taken the
summer off.

Otherwise, by 'orthodox' I take it you are referring to the social at
the Balham Bowls club in 1 Sept?


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