Perl e-commerce?

Richard Foley richard.foley at
Thu Sep 15 14:54:38 BST 2011

I think you've hit the nail on the head, Mallory, "where are the Wordpresses, 
the Drupals, the Joomlas?..." indeed.  It's easy to sneer at "just some web 
thingy", but actually it's quite hard to make something both flexible and 
robust and performant and maintainable.  From what I've seen of Catalyst 
recently, (and I've been kind of thrust into using it), it's heading in 
exactly the right kind of direction that's going to promote (post-)modern Perl 
practices into a working business environment.  *IF* we build "what people 

You can see the (programming and marketing) success of Perl in more or less 
shrink-wrapped applications like RT, where there are books on the topic, and 
managers have heard of it, and want it, and will pay people to customize it.  
Whether you and I like it or not is irrelevant, the point is RT, (for 
example), has a footprint.  There used to be a myriad of Perl web apps.  Where 
are they now?  Why haven't they stood the test of time?  Can we claw some of 
that market back, now people are finding how there is no silver-bullet in PHP, 
Ruby and Java.  Is this a time to take advantage of a pause, is this that 
second moment of opportunity?  If so, what will we do with it?


Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than AufWiederSehen!

> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:36:23PM +0100, Peter Edwards wrote:
> I want to know: why, when I go to YAPCs, I hear people talk about
> marketing and "Perl echo chamber" when it looks like few people are
> interested in making stuff that people want? It doesn't have to be
> moronic, or insecure. I suppose ideally it wouldn't need half of CPAN
> either...
> -where are the Worpresses, the Drupals, the Joomla!s? (WP might be
> easy, Joomla! might be complete garbage, but Drupal is neither easy
> nor trivial... and yet Dave's blog with MT can't find someone who can
> give us links to previous blogs??)
> -where are the Magentos, the ZendCarts, the OsCommerces?

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