Should I get my mum a Kindle?

Dirk Koopman djk at
Tue Sep 20 22:09:50 BST 2011

On 20/09/11 14:33, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> On 20 Sep 2011, at 14:21, Edmund von der Burg wrote:
>> Perhaps an iPod Touch with some cloud syncing so you can put music
>> onto it? No idea about the details though but if my toddler can work
>> an iPad your Mum should be able to too :)
> No, he said there's no wifi in the house. iPhone was my first thought
> or maybe iTouch plus one of those 3G->wifi dongledoofers.

Bite one's tongue and install a secret wifi box with all the latest 
"security" etc?

> We have an old 8G iTouch here going begging...

Much better then a Kindle for multimedia.

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