Perl-friendly message queue-like system

Jérôme Étévé jerome.eteve at
Thu Sep 22 09:28:40 BST 2011


I've used ActiveMQ with a Perl STOMP client in the past. Works well, but at
the time ActiveMQ was leaking memory quite a bit, I don't know if it's still
the case now.

The RabbitMQ site doesn't feature examples in Perl, but I've recently played
with Net::RabbitMQ, and it seems to do the job alright.



On 22 September 2011 09:15, Martin A. Brooks <martin at> wrote:

> Mongers of Perl,
> I have a bunch of servers doing mail ilftering.  I would like them to send
> tiny messages about the results of said filtering to a central point.  I
> would then like something at the central point to pop messages off the queue
> and update a database.  Think of it as sort of a centralised collection
> point for statistical data.  If the odd message gets eaten, it really
> doesn't matter.
> I understand something like RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ might do what I want,
> however the former's website doesn't mention Perl and the latter I am
> terrified of, having used it.
> My Google-fu is failing me, what Perl-friendly system might I use for such
> a thing?
> Thanks
> --
> Martin A. Brooks
> - antispam & antivirus email filtering.

Jerome Eteve.

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