Testing databases with DBIx::Class

Peter Sergeant pete at clueball.com
Tue Jan 10 12:19:19 GMT 2012

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Ian Knopke <ian.knopke at gmail.com> wrote:

> I need to test some DBIx::Class code where the database may not be
> available. I can set up something to generate a small, temporary
> SQlite db, but I was wondering what approaches others are currently
> using for this. DBD::Mock seems ok but not especially well suited for
> use with DBIx. What does the rest of the community currently do?

I've tried a few approaches with this. Where I've used a different DB
backend, I've been bitten by differences in the DB from Unicode handling to
different feature sets. Where possible, a blank(ish) testing database
running the same DB software as the target is infinitely preferable to
faking it with a different system.


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