Laptop Recommendation

Smylers Smylers at
Tue Jan 24 15:37:19 GMT 2012

Dirk Koopman writes:

> On 24/01/12 09:10, Smylers wrote:
> > Right now shopping on laptop websites can't possibly be more painful
> > than going into PC World and trying to engage their staff in
> > meaningful technical conversation.
> > 
> > At least in PC World I could physically pick up a laptop and get a
> > feel for how much it weighs. I could even take the kitchen scales
> > with me ...
> It may be that visiting PC World ...

I was actually joking about that, but I suppose I might have to.

> ... with your Ubuntu on a memory stick may be the only sane way of
> doing this. Although you may find John Lewis a more cooperative test
> subject.

Unfortunately John Lewis haven't built their Leeds store yet. (A subject
close to my heart, since delays to the shopping development that they
will be part means I own a home I no longer have a use for. The
developers have a Compulsory Purchase Order over it, but are unwilling
to purchase until the project restarts.)



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