Laptop Recommendation

Philip Skinner me at
Tue Jan 24 15:40:07 GMT 2012

Apart from the lack of a # key....oh and a crap enter key. Infact anything to do with actually typing is generally pretty crappy. Home and end don't function as nature intended (really really really annoying, until you change it).

That new back animation in safari is pretty cool though.

I own two macs, not out of choice, but to develop ios apps. Luckily both allow me to use my own keyboard as they are not laptops.

Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Jan 2012, at 14:31, ๏̯͡๏ Guido Barosio <gbarosio at> wrote:

> Apple +1, as a monger you wouln't be dissapointed.
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Taka <takalachina at> wrote:
>> Apple! Apple!! Apple!!! They won't let you down, but someone is gonna to
>> disagree?! And saying they are too expensive, but the decision is  yours!!!!
>> Taka - Sent from my iPhone
>> On 24 Jan 2012, at 11:27, Kieren Diment <diment at> wrote:
>>>> Also: Time machine.
>>> Aye, props to apple for finally making me understand what hard links are
>> and why they are useful.

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