[OT] Prepaid mobile plans with data, possibly roaming

Anthony Lucas anthonyjlucas at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 15:41:27 BST 2012

They just want you to buy their tethering add-on and mifi products.
I got through a gig of data before they caught on last time, in a fairly short space of time (as in hours, using it as a hotspot for my laptop, streaming, you name it) and put the temporary block and redirect page up.

They probably block some ports, but I haven't noticed any. Most ports seemed fine the last time I was stuck without internet.

Anthony Lucas
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On Wednesday, 22 August 2012 at 06:52, Toby Wintermute wrote:

> On 22 August 2012 02:15, Anthony Lucas <anthonyjlucas at gmail.com (mailto:anthonyjlucas at gmail.com)> wrote:
> > 3 can be quite good with the traffic detection if it's obvious.
> > 
> > In my experience, 5 or so hours of usage (unauthorised tethering) and they're on to you.
> > Pop it back in your phone, reboot or lose the tower, and you're back in business as far as internet access on the phone,
> > but you're now on some kind of watch-list and they're a lot faster to catch on the second time.
> > 
> Ah, really? That's irritating that they bother.. I mean, I'm just
> using the same bandwidth quota regardless of method :/
> Do Three block outbound ports?
> (ie. Can I just tunnel everything through an ssh or openvpn tunnel so
> that no traffic inspection can be done..)
> Toby 

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