Home Network Issues

Jacqui Caren jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Mon Sep 10 08:26:25 BST 2012

On 09/09/2012 13:34, Dave Cross wrote:
> Except, after I while I noticed a problem. All of the devices on the internal network could still connect to the internet, but they could no longer connect to each other. In fact, they could no longer
> even see each other.

I bought a 10-20UKP wireless access point thing from my local novatech.

I configured it to use a specific IP range and told it where the local dhcpd and DNS servers are.

Then added relevant security keys, the MAC's for each wireless device and told it to block anything
not listed.

I have had a few hack attempts (school opposite and doctors surgery next door) but nothing had
gotten in yet.

IMHO the idea of your router doing WAP duty is just plain nuts.
I have cablemodem/routers -> linux gateway - WAP/internal network zones.


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