Wanted: Speakers for London.pm Technical Meeting

Mike Whitaker mike at altrion.org
Tue Oct 16 17:20:48 BST 2012

On 16 Oct 2012, at 17:19, Dave Cross <dave at dave.org.uk> wrote:
>> and another one I've been mulling and considering writing to submit to LPW, but I'm afraid it wouldn't warrant me many friends in the L.pm community, it's titled "The problem with Perl" and is basically me ranting about the nice things in Java and Python that we (as in, myself until I started doing serious Java and Python, and some other L.pm'ers I've talked with) just tend to shrug off or don't even think about, or think they're bad but they're actually not bad at all.
> I think this one sounds really interesting. I'd love to hear it.


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