Mark Keating m.keating at shadowcat.co.uk
Thu Nov 8 09:39:00 GMT 2012

Hey all,

In previous year's the good folks of London.pm have come up with 
suggestions for the pre-LPW social and I was hoping this trend would 
continue, information would be provided, the wiki updated and then I 
will update the map and guide on the site.

So, once again, if you would please do me the service of arranging a 
suitable venue close to the centre of London in the next seven days I 
would remain grateful.

Your humble servant,

Chief Overlord in Residence (#LPW2012)

Mark Keating, Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder.
Managing Director: http://www.shadow.cat
For more that I do visit: http://www.mdk.me

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