25 Years of Perl

Dave Cross dave at dave.org.uk
Tue Nov 20 09:52:28 GMT 2012

Quoting Matt Freake <matthew.d.freake at gmail.com>:

> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Dave Cross <dave at dave.org.uk> wrote:
>> What CPAN modules deserve to be mentioned as part of Perl's history? Which
>> Perl infrastructure projects are (or were) important? Are there any other
>> technical things that need to be covered?
> Templating modules (embperl, Template Toolkit and Mason) seemed a
> considerable step-forward for me at the time and hopefully contributed to
> more maintainable code.

Yeah. Got TT and Mason on my list. Was Embperl ever really important.  
I know I have a strong aversion to it (and I think you might also have  
the same aversion - engendered by the same project).


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