cpan you have to see

Anthony Lucas anthonyjlucas at
Wed Dec 12 09:35:44 GMT 2012

I wouldn't really say mean…

The examples themselves trigger the module's own ridiculous failure conditions. I have a hard time believing these aren't joke modules.

The interesting conversation here is about CPAN moderation and where people stand on it.
I know it tends to be extremely liberal, but when it comes to harmful modules (if someone comes from another language, doesn't read the source, and starts using them), what's the stance?

Anthony Lucas
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On Wednesday, 12 December 2012 at 09:19, Peter Sergeant wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Anthony Lucas <anthonyjlucas at (mailto:anthonyjlucas at> wrote:
> > Flexible::Output::Printer
> To be honest, it's not too different in intent from several other CPAN modules - aliasing features to be more like other languages...
> I am pretty curious about the return values, though:
> return bless {};
> I wonder what the intent there was...
> -P

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