Ungooglable interview questions (was: Re: New perl features?)

Abigail abigail at abigail.be
Sun Mar 17 09:24:01 GMT 2013

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 01:54:37AM +0000, Sam Kington wrote:
> At $WORK we ask new hires, over IRC (because everyone potentially works remotely), a variant of chromatic's http://modernperlbooks.com/mt/2011/01/how-to-identify-a-good-perl-programmer.html
> So far, when we've put people through the test (some people have been omitted because they obviously had a clue), nobody has managed to identify * as a sigil.

Have you hired any of the people any of those people? If so, does this 
question have any value? Does it really matter when someone during an
interview can remember that * can be used as a sigil?

But loooking at chromatics list, does it actually work? Does it identify
good Perl propgrammers? I guess it can be used to weed out people claiming
to know Perl very well, but don't, but someone who can answer all the
questions may still not be able to code his/her way out of a wet paper bag.


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