Alternative sources of Perl programmers

Richard Foley richard.foley at
Tue May 14 08:34:13 BST 2013

One thing to bear in mind is that remote-working does NOT suit everybody.

It's not about lounging around watching TV or mowing the lawn. It is about
being able to organize your day so ALL your jobs get done, without having the
hassle of the commute. On the negative side, some people find having their work
at home means they are unable to separate their work/private time, others miss
the colleague contact. It's not all roses.

On the plus side, being able to mow the lawn in the time you used to commute is
a bonus. Working in a (presumably) comfortable environment is nice. Having more
time to be around your kids, if you have a young family, is a plus too. Having
a dedicated work room/office space where you can shut the door, if only
metaphorically, is almost essential for separating work and play though.

And of course, as Dilbert found out after 4 days of remote-working, if you go
to work naked nobody cares ;)


Richard Foley

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 08:08:40AM +0100, Gareth Kirwan wrote:
> On 13-05-13 10:48 PM, Mark Fowler wrote:
> >On Monday, May 13, 2013, Duncan Garland wrote:
> >>We're advertising for a Perl programmer again, and once again we are
> >>struggling.
> >The question I ask anyone who has problems hiring for any IT position is
> >"have you considered telecommute?"
> We've had a mix of teleworkers and onsite staff, going back over the
> past decade.
> Last year I started to consider the issues of hiring good
> programmers locally, and concluded that there isn't really a choice.
> So we embraced teleworking completely when hiring new programmers recently.
> It's made a world of difference.
> The CVs from agents trickled in. I would have thought that meant
> that the perl programmers weren't out there.
> But the response to our advert was enormous, and very
> good quality indeed.
> I'm still open to anything through agents, because if I find "the
> right candidate" then I wouldn't care where they came from.
> I'd suggest opening yourself up to telecommuting.
> Make sure you actually hire for it as a skill, though. Assuming
> "You're a good dev, you can work from home, surely?" can be
> disastrous.
> Watch for signs of demotivation, and ensure that there's some
> "telecommuting best practices" available.

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