Alternative sources of Perl programmers

Joel Bernstein joel at
Tue May 14 15:09:23 BST 2013

Jobsite have been very definite for over a year that the job is not WFH.
They are still plaintively asking for someone to come and work in their
offices somewhere[0] just East of Portsmouth. Presumably they're soon
either going to crack and hire a telecommuter, outsource the damn work
entirely, or rewrite in Java.


[0]: technically more like "nowhere" (particularly the arse end)

On 14 May 2013 16:02, Dominic Humphries <djh at> wrote:

> On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 14:43 +0100, Ben Vinnerd wrote:
> > I have to travel
> > 50 miles per day to get to my clients office (and back)
> 50 miles? Luxury! I have to do sixty! :)
> > I live in the North West and recently I saw a contract at Jobsite in
> > Hampshire (i.e. a long way away). I spoke to the agent and they don't
> allow
> > WFH (is this the agent not allowing me? Or Jobsite?).
> I got offered that last year - at the time, at least, Jobsite themselves
> were very definite about it not being WFH.
> djh

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