drforr@pobox.com drforr at pobox.com
Tue May 14 22:49:45 BST 2013

On 2013-05-03 10:18, Christine Wong wrote:
> Hello!
> Hope everyone enjoyed themselves last night at the Perl meet up.
> It was a very enjoyable experience for me.
> For those who didn't get my contact details I am reachable on my
> email addy:
> christine.wong at squareoneresources.com<mailto:christine.wong at squareoneresources.com>
> and my number is 0207 665 5813/0788 229 3884.
> Please feel free to contact me if you are 1. Looking for new
> opportunities or 2. Looking to hire :) 3. Just want a quick chat/catch
> up.

Hi, Christine. I wasn't able to attend the meeting unfortunately, but a 
few of my friends from London Perl Mongers pointed me to you as a sound 
recruiter. I'm a US citizen living in the UK on a work visa (valid until 
2015), currently employed in a DevOps role at TagMan limited, but am 
looking for alternatives. My boss who championed me in the DevOps role 
recently quit over differences with upper management (he's willing to 
give me letters of recommendation, as probably is my last boss), and I 
think the other members of the ops team might not be far behind. My 
number is on my CV, but if you'd like to contact me outside of work 
hours (I'm usually in until 5:30) then feel free to reach me at +44 0780 
815 3300.

A brief synopsis - 15 or so years working with perl, went to Europe 
(Amsterdam) to experience the expat lifestyle and enjoy cheap travel 
across Europe, and currently working in the UK, really don't want to 
have to move back home to the US.


Jeff Goff <drforr at pobox.com>

> All calls and communication will be kept strictly private & 
> confidential.
> Kind regards,
> christine wong | digital media permanent consultant
> t: +44 (0)20 7208 2828 | ddi: +44 (0)20 7665 5813 | m: +44 (0)7738 
> 488572
> square one resources | 6 devonshire square | london | ec2m 4ye | 
> united kingdom
> christine.wong at squareoneresources.com<mailto:christine.wong at squareoneresources.com%20>
> | www.squareoneresources.com<http://www.squareoneresources.com>
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