Random Perl Content

Randy J. Ray rjray at blackperl.com
Sun May 19 04:14:36 BST 2013

Excellent feedback from everyone!

While reading the ideas, it occurred to me how simple it would be to 
test Math::Random::MT (based loosely on Ruud's testing of Rand48). It 
turns out that you *can* in fact instantiate completely independent 
RNG's from ::MT. I banged out the following:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(open close);

use Math::Random::MT;

my ($fh, $ground, $noise, $noise1, $noise2);
my $iters = shift(@ARGV) || 10000;

# 1. Baseline. Generate $iters numbers with no other RNG's running.
open $fh, '>', 'rng-1';
$ground = Math::Random::MT->new(5);
for (1 .. $iters)
     print {$fh} $ground->irand, "\n";
close $fh;
undef $ground;

# 2. Generate the same list with one other RNG running as well.
open $fh, '>', 'rng-2';
$ground = Math::Random::MT->new(5);
$noise  = Math::Random::MT->new($$);
for (1 .. $iters)
     print {$fh} $ground->irand, "\n";
close $fh;
undef $ground;
undef $noise;

# 3. Generate the same list with two other RNGs running as well.
open $fh, '>', 'rng-3';
$ground = Math::Random::MT->new(5);
$noise1 = Math::Random::MT->new($$);
$noise2 = Math::Random::MT->new(time);
for (1 .. $iters)
     print {$fh} $ground->irand, "\n";
close $fh;
undef $ground;
undef $noise1;
undef $noise2;

print "Done!\n";

Then I diff'd rng-1 against rng-2 and rng-3. Identical. And speedy, 
too... generated the 3 sets of 10,000 pretty much instantly.

Now I just have to get it installed site-wide at work, a process that 
can take weeks, if not months... (and no smart remarks about local::lib, 
cpanm, etc... this is a large corporate environment with its own rules 
and ways of doing things, unfortunately.)

Randy J. Ray      Sunnyvale, CA      http://www.rjray.org 
rjray at blackperl.com
Silicon Valley Scale Modelers: http://www.svsm.org

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