Assigning anonymous hash to a list

Hernan Lopes hernanlopes at
Wed Jul 31 02:32:55 BST 2013

When you do that, you are implicitly saying:

The thing on the left is equals the thing in the right.
So, in the left you have 1 thing ( a list because of parenthesis ),
and on the right, you have 2 things: string+object.

Add parenthesis on the right and transform it into a list.

After that perl will understand you are assinging the first thing on
the list (from left) equals the first thing on the list (from right)
and so on.


Hernan Lopes

On 7/30/13, gvim <gvimrc at> wrote:
> Can anyone explain why this works:
> my $ref = {a => 1,  b => 2, c => 3};
> say $ref->{b};     #  Result: 2
> ... but this doesn't :
> my ($str, $ref) = 'text', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3};
> say $ref->{b};   # Result: Use of uninitialized value
> Seems a little inconsistent.
> gvim

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