Assigning anonymous hash to a list

Paul Johnson paul at
Thu Aug 1 08:38:47 BST 2013

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:44:23PM -0300, Hernan Lopes wrote:
> if you dont understood what i meant, i am not going to explain.

I understood, and I'm happy to explain.

> On 7/31/13, Peter Corlett <abuse at> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 01:04:11PM -0300, Hernan Lopes top-posted:
> >> it should be the same size to do what he wants... otherwise it wont work.

This is a special case of "it should do what he wants, otherwise it
won't work" which (granted, outside of IT) is generally considered a

PS Of the three commas I wrote in the paragraphs above, one is in scalar
context, one is in list context, and one is just a comma.

Of the three commas in the previous paragraph, one is Oxford.

[ Please imagine that I have added sufficient smileys, emoticons, emoji,
pictures of cats and ponies, etc. that your day is no worse for having
wasted your time reading this message. ]

Paul Johnson - paul at

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