Using grep on undefined array

Matt Lawrence matt.lawrence at
Wed Aug 14 10:45:44 BST 2013

On 14/08/13 08:33, William Blunn wrote:
> On 14/08/2013 00:09, Andrew Beverley wrote:
>> Could someone please explain to me why the following outputs an empty
>> string rather than "*"?
> In this case it may be wise to show a “use strict;”, which I assume is 
> in effect here, otherwise people can just say that @$a on an undefined 
> $a in the absence of "use strict;" would fine anyway.
>> get();
>> sub get($)
>> {   my $fields = shift;
>>      my @fields = grep $_ ne 'domain', @$fields;
>>      my $select_fields = $fields ? join(',', map { 'users.' . $_ } 
>> @fields) : '*';
>>      print "$select_fields\n";
>> }
>> I would have expected $fields to remain undefined, but it seems to be
>> turning into an empty array during the grep.
> We can write a simpler case to illustrate the point.
> This demonstrates the effect of "strict" on @$a when $a is undefined:
>     $ perl -E 'use strict; my $a; say @$a;'
>     Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at -e line 1.
> but things seem to work differently when @$a an argument to "grep":
>     $ perl -E 'use strict; my $a; say grep { 1 } @$a; say $a'
>     ARRAY(0x7fd3b4003ed0)
> "strict" doesn't appear to apply in this case and @$a appears to be 
> being autovivified leaving a reference in $a.
> That being the case, I'd also be interested to know why.
My understanding is that autovivification only happens in lvalue 
contexts, which applies in the case of arguments to grep and similar 
situations because of aliasing (or something *waves hands*)

    $ perl -Mstrict -wE 'my $foo; say for keys %$foo;'


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