Unexpected lc behaviour

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes sthoenna at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 19:30:00 BST 2013

-E enables features, too; specifically:

use feature 'unicode_strings';

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Mark Fowler <mark at twoshortplanks.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to lowercase capital e-acute and turn it into lowercase e-acute.
>  Can anyone explain why this is different?
> mark at travis-5:~$ perl -le 'print ord lc chr 201'
> 201
> mark at travis-5:~$ perl -lE 'print ord lc chr 201'
> 233
> Or for that matter:
> perl -le 'my $chr = chr ord "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}"; print
> ord lc $chr'
> 201
> perl -le 'my $chr = "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}"; print ord lc
> $chr'
> 233
> I tried it on 5.12, 5.16 and 5.18 (later example obviously not tried as is
> with 5.12)
> It's not something as obvious as the utf-8 flag being on or off, since
> changing -e to -E doesn't turn that on.
> perl -MDevel::Peek -e 'Dump chr(201)'
> SV = PV(0x7f955c004490) at 0x7f955c0133e0
> REFCNT = 1
> PV = 0x7f955bc04850 "\311"\0
> CUR = 1
> LEN = 16
> perl -MDevel::Peek -E 'Dump chr(201)'
> SV = PV(0x7ff3f10044a0) at 0x7ff3f10133e0
> REFCNT = 1
> PV = 0x7ff3f0c0ce30 "\311"\0
> CUR = 1
> LEN = 16
> perl -MDevel::Peek -e 'Dump "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}"'
> SV = PV(0x7fb103849160) at 0x7fb1038133f8
> REFCNT = 1
> PV = 0x7fb103411db0 "\303\211"\0 [UTF8 "\x{c9}"]
> CUR = 2
> LEN = 16
> Mark.
> --
> Mark Fowler
> http://www.twoshortplanks.com/

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