FOSDEM trip / accomodation / etc...

Sue Spence virtuallysue at
Tue Jan 21 08:04:31 GMT 2014

There are a large number of hotels in Brussels, and I don't see any
evidence that the rates have been heavily jacked up for the weekend of
FOSDEM. Accommodation is easily available under £50 per night, according to   We're going via eurostar, which is rather more expensive.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

On 20 January 2014 23:30, Paul "LeoNerd" Evans <leonerd at>wrote:

> So it seems at somewhat last-minute I'm going to FOSDEM to do a Perl
> talk.
> Anyone been before? I'm looking for recommendations on travel and
> where to stay. Currently all the hotels are looking like a 3x markup
> for that weekend, so I'm considering the possibility of trying to find
> someone local who I might drop in on, or else consider how early I
> could travel on Saturday morning, to at least avoid staying Fri->Sat
> there.
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Paul "LeoNerd" Evans
> leonerd at
> ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460

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