[ANNOUNCE] Damian Conway Speaking at London.pm: Monday, 10th March

Daniel Rowles daniel.rowles at wcn.co.uk
Thu Mar 6 13:00:45 GMT 2014

That suggests an interesting game. Given a set of CPAN modules, guess 
what the title of Damian's talk was....


On 06/03/14 12:40, Damian Conway wrote:
>> for the mongers who cannot come, what would you think of just sharing a
>> list of CPAN/Vim modules mentioned during the talk? (if that is relevant in
>> the context of your talk)
> It certainly is relevant. And I think it's an excellent idea.
>> Someone could volunteer to write such a list during the talk, and send it
>> to the list without further comments.
> I will volunteer to do that. ;-)
> Damian

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