[ANNOUNCE] Damian Conway Speaking at London.pm: Monday, 10th March

Chisel chisel at chizography.net
Fri Mar 14 10:52:15 GMT 2014

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Damian Conway <damian at conway.org> wrote:

>     Lingua::EN::Grammarian (which includes a Vim plugin)

One thing I wanted to ask on the night but didn't think was worth
interrupting you for at the time; you showed how poor vim's spell/grammar
checking was, ​​and the *only* thing it highlighted was 'keeped'.

When you demo'd the vim plugin at the end 'keeped' was one of the few parts
of the document *not* highlighted.

Is this intentional, or an oversight?


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