emergency social meet June 11

Avishalom Shalit avishalom at gmail.com
Tue May 20 18:20:01 BST 2014

i like followup.cc
and followupthen.com

for things like that.

you forward an email you want to be reminded of to
[nextThursday|oct31st|9am]@followup.cc and it responds on the day/time

extra functionality if you also address other people, and put the
@followup.cc in the CC or BCC addresses.

-- vish

On 20 May 2014 09:06, James Laver <james.laver at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 May 2014, at 13:43, Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn at stonehenge.com>
> wrote:
> > And is this mic on?  Or am I drinking by myself? :(
> Despite the fact you’re a supercite quoter (*grrrr*, *fist shake*), I’m
> liable to be up for it if reminded much closer to the time.
> James

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