Regex to match odd numbers

David Cantrell david at
Tue May 27 16:22:07 BST 2014

As part of the nasty mess that is CPANdeps, I have this line of code:

$record->{is_dev_perl} = (
  $record->{perl} =~ /(^5\.(7|9|11|13|15|17|19|21)|rc|patch)/i
) ? 1 : 0;

I'd like to not have to remember to add 23 to the list in a year or so's
time. Can anyone think of a nice way of matching any odd number from 7
upwards?  Obviously it's easy to do in a coupla lines of perl code
instead of a regex, so I'm asking more out of curiosity than because I
actually need it.

David Cantrell | Official London Perl Mongers Bad Influence

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