YAPC::Europe 2014, 22-24 August in Sofia, Bulgaria

Alex Balhatchet kaoru at slackwise.net
Thu Jul 17 12:16:03 BST 2014

On 17 July 2014 10:02, Tom Hukins <tom at eborcom.com> wrote:
> Some of the talks have been announced and the organisers have asked
> for more talk submissions:
> http://act.yapc.eu/ye2014/news/1217

I've now submitted the talk I'm giving on Test::Kit 2.0 at the
technical meeting next Thursday (24th July) to give at YAPC::EU as
well :-)

> If you plan to attend, please mark which talks interest you to help
> the organisers with their scheduling.

I've done this, I think. I went to http://act.yapc.eu/ye2014/schedule
and then on each talk I was interested in I ticked the "add to
personal schedule" box and then clicked "Submit". Hopefully that's the
right way to do that.

I've also added myself to two Wiki pages:


I suggest everyone from London.pm attending does the same.

See you in Sofia (and next week at the technical meeting),

- Alex

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