cheerleaders, buffy, firefly, bad puns, nothing about mail systems, however beer, wine and scotch advocacy welcome

Stray Toaster mwk at
Wed Feb 15 21:09:26 GMT 2006

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 03:45:14PM -0500, jesse wrote:
> > p.s. and to the people groaning in the cheap seats ... be thankful
> > you weren't in my office today when we went for philosopher
> > puns/jokes. Yeah I know in terms of jokes its a bit of a
> > Nietzsche field, sorry sorry, that was awful, I've tried to stop
> > doing it but I simply Kant. 
> It's ok. I'm sure we won't Hegel you too much.

Quicker off the Marx there than me. Considering the wits, brains and
Feyerabends here, I didn't want to Kuhn across as some kind of

Its all Greg's Focault.


/ Charlotte-Ann: *wail* Val: What's up, \
| wee girl? Charlotte-Ann: I have just  |
| spilt juice on my Penelope Busstop    |
\ teeshirt!                             /
      \  (__)  
 / | 666 ||    
*  ||----||      
   ~~    ~~      
Gotta have a blog. It is the law.

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