The Truthiness About George W. Bush

John Costello cos at
Thu May 4 01:28:54 BST 2006

On Wed, 3 May 2006, Chris Devers wrote:
> Ah, so apparently what the source material could well be interpreted as 
> being in the public domain, they put their logo on their broadcast of 
> it, and by so doing claim that it becomes their property, and whether or 
> not this is a correct interpretation of law, they vigorously defend it. 

Thanks for that explanation.  I suppose that is why certain other shows 
(Daily Show) block out the logos of networks.  Since the logo isn't on the 
tape, they can't be accused of broadcasting the other network's 
copyrighted/trademarked property.

> Hm.

Devious, those lawyers.

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