ora owns web2.0 - and will sue your ass if you try to use it

Jesse Vincent jesse at fsck.com
Sat May 27 22:16:00 BST 2006

You might want to get a bit more of the story from radar.oreilly.com.  El Reg isn't known for being unbiased....
This message was sent from my Treo. Please accept my apologies for its brevity and for any typos. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacqui Caren <jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com>
Date: Saturday, May 27, 2006 5:03 pm
Subject: ora owns web2.0 - and will sue your ass if you try to use it

ora.com - the new evil empire :-)

 From a reg story a conference organiser has been threatened for using web2.0  in its confernece title. Evidently ora owns web.20 as a service mark and will threaten legal action at the drop of a hat if it thinks someone is stepping on its toes.

So much for supporting open standards - they are open as long as they are the only ones to make a profit from them.


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